The IASTAM Webinars series brings together world-class scholars, practitioners and policy makers of Asian medicine to discuss common issues in the mobilization of these traditions in a modern biomedical world. The expertise brought together crosses not only medicines of different Asian regional origins, but also different scholarly disciplines: clinicians, historians, anthropologists, phytochemists and policy consultants. In this way, the webinars fulfill the core mission of IASTAM, which is to provide and to model a forum where dialogues across multiple epistemologies can take place, engaging participants in nuanced conversation about the multiple facets of Asian medicine.
Asian Medicine & the Social Dimensions of Epidemics (Feb 2021)
Featuring: Yan Liu, James Flowers, Joshua Park
Asian Medicines and COVID-19 (Oct 22, 2020)
Featuring: Shelley Ochs, Thomas Avery Garran, Tawni Tidwell, Marta Hanson
The ‘pan’ of pandemics: Why and how do Asian approaches matter? (Jul 8 2020)
Featuring: Monica Green, Volker Scheid, David Napier