On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of IASTAM, we cordially invite academic researchers, practitioners of Asian medicines with recent academic publications, graduate students, and post-docs to submit an original, unpublished paper to be considered for this prize.
All manuscripts received will be considered for acceptance in the society’s journal Asian Medicine. They should apply methods from anthropology, history, or any other academic discipline to the critical study of Asian medical systems in context, focusing on any period up to the present. Manuscripts must be in English. The target length is 8,000– 12,000 words. Please follow the journal style guidelines in all other regards: https:// brill.com/abstract/journals/asme/asme-overview.xml.
Prize money: 1000€.
The winning essay will be announced in IASTAM publications and the society website (iastam.org) and will be given preferential consideration for publication in the organisation’s peer-reviewed journal (subject to normal peer review process).
In case the winner is not yet an IASTAM member, membership will be free of charge until the next conference (in summer 2020), which includes free online access to the journal. Please note: IASTAM officers and council members are excluded from this prize.
Deadline: Entries must be received no later than June 30th, 2019, by the president of IASTAM. Please email submissions to messner@sino.uni-kiel.de.
ThewinnerwillbeannouncedbyOctober1st thisyear.
Best wishes,
Angelika Messner and the IASTAM Council