Webinar Series

Asian Medicines and COVID-19 (Oct 22, 2020)

Robust responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have not only come from biomedical healthcare workers. Researchers and clinicians in the world’s traditional healthcare systems have also mounted large-scale and localised efforts. Despite the racialized and politicised representations of these efforts in Anglophone media, serious professionals have been performing ongoing research, protocols, and clinical treatments, and have […]

Webinar Series

The ‘pan’ of pandemics: Why and how do Asian approaches matter? (July 8th 2020)

Introduction: Prof. Dr. Angelika C. Messner (IASTAM President, Kiel University) Moderator: Dr Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim (Goldsmiths, University of London) Historical Contours of the Medieval Afro-Eurasian Disease Landscape: New Findings from Genetics and Medical HistoryProf. Monica H. Green (Independent scholar) Recent developments in genetics have given a new resolution to long-standing questions about the origins and dissemination […]