Members of IASTAM enjoy:
- Free unlimited electronic access to all past and current issues of the IASTAM journal, Asian Medicine. (Please note that access is handled by Brill, and you will receive an email from them with your login information within a few weeks of registering with IASTAM.)
- Reduced registration rates for IASTAM conferences.
- Networking opportunities with approximately 300 scholars across various disciplines and regions.
- 35% discount on Brill publications on Asian medicines (contact : Chunyan Shu
- Members in good standing may display the logo at right on their websites and in other appropriate printed or online contexts. (Drag or right-click the logo to download.)
Register Now!
If you did not attend the conferenc in Taipei on Jun. 20-24, 2024 and would like to support the work of IASTAM or take advantage of the benefits mentioned above, please renew your membership now!
Note that, no matter when they were initiated, all memberships are active only for the inter-conference period and must be renewed at the next ICTAM conference. The new membership period began with the last conference in Taipei in June 2024. Those who have paid the membership fee together with the conference fee can benefit from the membership until the registration process of the next conference in 2026.
Full price €50.00: Membership runs for the entire inter-conference period (i.e., from now until the next ICTAM conference).
Discounted price €20.00: You may opt for discounted membership if you have an annual income of €20,000 or less. The rights and benefits of membership are the same as the full price.
If you do not want to use Paypal, you are welcome to transfer the membership fee directly to IASTAM to the following account
Account holder: IASTAM e.V.
IBAN: DE13 7601 0085 0115 8848 53
Institute: Postbank Ndl der Deutsche Bank in Nürnberg, Germany
Please note that we can only process your registration by bank transfer if you include the above information in the “reason for payment” field of your transfer.
Please contact our treasurer if you have any firther questions about the process of becoming a member.